Agreement between the Nordic clubs. (Updated version Nordic meeting 230326)
Members of the Nordic organization
The member clubs should have a written standard.
The member should agree to host the Nordic cahampionship Show either alone or in agreed cooperation with other clubs in the country.
The nominated contact persons (2 from each club) should have the mandate from their clubs to take decisions about the Nordic organization and rules.
Any new club need to apply for membership and then next meeting need to approve. (221113)
Members 2023: Svenska Marsvinsföreningen, SMF Dansk Marsvineklub, DMK Dansk Marsvins Forening, DMF Norsk Marsvin Klubb, NMK Suomen Marsuyhdistys, SMY
The yearly meeting between the Nordic cavy clubs
Chairman and responsibly for the agenda is the arranging country/club. The agenda should be sent out one month in advance. Questions and proposals for the agenda should be send in two months in advance. The rules of the Nordic show should be disused yearly to decide next year’s rules, list of breeds etc. If need for extra Nordic meeting during the year, the arranging country/club can invite to a meeting, live/mail/phone.
Border shows
Cooperation around shows between two or more countries, same location. The countries/clubs should make a written agreement on responsibility and finances. The main organizers (the country/club where the show is located) check in rules shall apply. (230326)
Protect all breeder name in the Nordic cavy clubs
All breeder names that are protected in a Nordic club are protect in all Nordic clubs. Denmark is responsible for ensuring that recorded names are available. (190908)
Champion title, Pure breed, Pet Class and Clipped
The first champion (pure breed), Pet Class and Clipped titel could be taken in any Nordic country. The following champion titels can be taken with just one certificate (before or after the first title). The member can register the one certificate champions in her/his own country/club.
Nordic champion title, pure breed
From 2016-01-01 you can register title Nordic champion, NordCH. The cavie has to have at least three out of four champion titels to get a Nordic champion. The member can register the Nordic champion in her/his own country/club.
From 2022-01-01 (all champion titels should be taken after 2022-01-01) you can register title Nordic pet champion, NordPetCH. The cavie must have at least three out of four “champion” titels (named different in clubs) to get a Nordic champion. The member can register the Nordic champion in her/his own country/club. (211113)
All clubs must state their awards (titles etc) on their website with explanatory text in English (190908)
Coming Nordic shows
2023 Sweden, 16-17/9 Eskilstuna
2024 Finland, SMY
2025 Denmark, club not decided
Rules for the Nordic cavy shows
At the Nordic Show, NM the arranging country/club general rules about showing classes, check in and so on are the accepted rules if the Nordic rules for the NM do not say anything else.
Only members from the clubs in the Nordic organization can show in NM. (230326)
Every club should have a contact person at the Nordic show. The contact person will help both the organizer and the club members with problems if needed. (220522)
The same judge may not be used two years in a row, all categories (190908)
All cavies coming to the show must be checked in.
In the categories for pure breeds, Pet Class and Pet Class children the junior class is between 2-5 month and the adult class starts from over 5 months. (211113) (no champion class - 2019) Pet Class Children Jr (even the year when the exhibitor turns 15 years old), Clipped (over 5-month-old), Unstandardised and guidestandard.
A breed/colour/marking with full standard in two Nordic clubs can be shown at the Nordic shows as full standard. With full standard mean that there is a written standard that the club have decided. (2016) If there is any breed/colour/marking that is banned due to domestic legislation in a specific country, that breed/colour/marking is not allowed to be shown when that specific country arranging the Nordic show. The arranging country is responsible for updating the list over all approved breeds/colours/markings that can be shown at the NM. The list should be sent out with the invitation.
In the categories for pure breeds the titles for best of breed (BOB) are organized as follow: Skinny, Teddy, Rex, CH Teddy, Abessinier, Sheltie, Coronet, Peruvian, Texel, Merino, Alpaca, Lunkarya, Self-black/lilac/grey/chocolate/beige/blue, Self- red/golden, Self-white/cream/saffron/buff (aoc), Non-self -agouti, Nonself-marked, Nonself- all other, Crested – self, Crested – nonself, Crested – American, Satin – self, Satin-crested, Satin- nonself. (220522)
In the categories for pure breeds all BOB winning cavies (with certificate 190908) go to the BIS/BIS Jr final. In all classes (Pure Breeds/Jr, Pet Class/jr and Pet Class Children/Jr should10 cavies be placed in each final. (2016)
The judges can give three (3) wildcards to the BIS/BISJr final. They must pick BOB reserve cavies with certificate and in the final can they not place those cavies before the BOB in same breed. (220522)
The NM is yearly held in September. The yearly Nordic meeting between the Nordic cavy clubs diced the arranging country. The arranging country can by themselves diced if one specific club should act arranging club. The date of the NM should be set 1 of January. The invitation should be sent to the other countries/clubs 8 weeks before the show.
At the NM there are no limit of giving certifications or similar, all categories/showing classes. (2010, change to all categories/showing classes 2015)
The competing in country team at NM are the ten highest placed cavies from each country (all showing classes included). The point system: BOB/BOBJr/best Clipped longhair, Guide and Non standardised and PC/PCJrPCC/PCCJr classwinner 25 p, certificate 25 p, BIS/BIS Jr/BISPC /BISPCJr /BISPCC/BISPCCJr 120 p, 2BIS/2BISJr/2BIS PC/2BISPCJr/2BISPCC/2BISPCCJr 100 p, 3BIS… 80 p, 4BIS… 70p, 5BIS… 60p, 6BIS ...50p, 7BIS …40p, 8BIS …30p, 9BIS …20p and 10BIS …10p.
11. NM titels (2009, titles for all classes 2015, new titles 2016) Following titles can been giving to cavies that is own by a person living in one of the Nordic countries and been a member in one of the Nordic cavyclubs. All showing classes have a title.
· BOB (Best of breed) winning cavies get the title Nordic Winner, NordW-year.
· BOB junior (Best of breed junior) winning cavies get the title Nordic Winner Junior, NordJrV-year
· BIS (Best in Show) winning cavy get the title Nordic Master, NordM-year. · BIS junior (Best in Show junior) winning cavy get the title Nordisk Master Junior, NordjrM-year.
· The winning cavy in clipped class get the title, NordCLIPPED-year.
· The winning cavy in unstandardised class get the title Nordic Master, NordUST-year.
· The winning cavy in guidestandard class get the title Nordic Master, NordGUIDE-year.
· BIS Pet Class (Best in Show) winning cavy get the title Nordic PC, NordPC-year. BIS Pet Class Jr (Best in ShowJr) winning cavy get the title Nordic PC, NordPCJR-year. (2016)
· BIS Pet Class Children (Best in Show) winning cavy get the title Nordic PCC, NordPCC-year BIS Pet Class Children Jr (Best in ShowJr) winning cavy get the title Nordic PCC, NordPCCJR-year. (2016)
12. The club arranging NM should provide a list of all results and send it to the other Nordic cavy clubs, no longer than a month after the show. The owner of the cavy that won a title may write the title on the pedigree.